You Said I’m a Vandal. I Tried Not To Be.
Located in an foreclosed upon house in a disenfranchised LA neighborhood, this installation explores the cyclical lifestyles of the homeless, sex workers, drug users, sick and poor living on the outskirts of society. The gaudy fabric and dramatic makeup express a desire to be noticed while simultaneously pushing them further into outsider status. These people cycle in and out of homes, parks, and graffiti lined streets, blurring the lines between home and public space. Assumptions and labels only push them deeper into confines where they seek small comforts from each other, coping with the realities of their socioeconomic status, and lack of opportunity.

Medium: Mixed media installation ( hand stitched fabric dolls and clay masks, sod rolls, spray paint)
Size: 144 x 144 inches
Year: 2024